Professional Researcher: The Best Friend You Didn't Know You Needed • THINK Global Research

Research – that is, professionally moderated research, is the best friend you never knew you needed. As Magnum Opus Partners’ Director of Creative Strategy, Stephen Yolland confirms, “you can’t guess what the public are interested in”. But it is simple to ask them. Curiously, however, so many advertisers don’t do it. So it’s no wonder the majority of them are getting it wrong in 2017.

In a national survey we conducted for Magnum Opus Partners, findings revealed that over half of Australians couldn’t think of an ad they liked or disliked. No one is getting cut-through. The insights from this landmark study confirmed that advertisers have no idea who their audience really is and how they consumer media.

The antidote to this? Get intimate with your research supplier –

Determine who your market segments are, how they behave and what it is they really want. Like a best friend, the researcher will tell you what you need to hear, not what you want to hear. After all, the truth is often inconvenient.